Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's a Zendala? This week's art journal challenge!

While I was pondering this week's journal theme, I came across a blog featuring a zentangle journal page and some stunningly amazing journal pages you should check out!  Go see Ingrid's blog after you read this post!
I have always drawn and doodled mandalas, so I googled zentangles to see what the difference was.  The idea behind the drawings are similar, to draw lines and designs that repeat, to fill in spaces with many types of lines and designs, to make it a meditative exercise, let the drawing go where it wants to go, don't worry about erasing, perfection, or what the end product will look like.  I found a cool video on Milliande's blog that shows how to draw a Zendala, which is just a circular zentangle!  So, find your trusty Sharpie, Pitt, or whatever marker you LOVE and try to make a zendala or zentangle in your journal this week.  If you  decide to add words, you can just journal what comes to you while you are drawing.  I am going to throw out a word theme as well...
RELAX!  This is supposed to be fun and relaxing.  How do you relax? Do you need to give yourself permission to relax?   This week's challenge is to relax and draw a zendala or zentangle and then share it with us!!!!  I posted  My Dream pages, but they got cut off along the bottom edge, so I'll fill you in.  The issue that I am passionate about on the first page is Arts Education, and I want to find the kep that unlocks the magic door!  Last week, I found some interesting music to go with the Dream theme. They are on my playlist, Kelly Sweet's version of Dream On, is really beautiful! If you don't see it on the playlist, click at the top of the list, it's the first song.
I'll be back tomorrow to post my One Heart give-away!


peggy gatto said...

I absolutely adore these pages!!!!!
And your canvases are as wonderful. I am so behind...don't give up on me!!

Gayle said...

I tried to make a zentangle but with the limited use of my hands it was just too hard but I love looking at them. The octupus was fantastic. Love your blog...Gayle

sandee said...

The Zendala is up and on my blog!

Tei said...

Why does zendala has d=11,5 cm. How did this rule appear?)

Tei said...

Why does zendala has d=11,5 cm. How did this rule appear?)