Attention my little band of faithful journalers! Here is the very last challenge of the year. I hope we can convince a few more readers to join in the fun! You don't have to do every challenge or be able to get it done in a week. Feel free to drop in and do any of the challenges that appeal to you!
Last week's theme was I BELIEVE... and I posted my page here. Does anyone else want to share?
This week I propose a SELF-PORTRAIT journal page. I went with this idea because I got a very cool book for Christmas titled, Mixed-Media Self-Portraits Inspiration and Techniques by Cate Coulacos Prato. I spent Christmas Day doing some of the exercises. You can approach this theme any way you want to. Make a realistic self-portrait, a stylized self-portrait, an "inner you" self-portrait, alter a photo by drawing or painting on it, do a digitally enhanced self-portrait. Many people have trouble using themselves as a subject because we are so conditioned to be hyper-critical of our faces, bodies, etc. Therefore, I challenge you to jump in and fearlessly make a journal page that somehow represents YOU as you are right now, or as you see yourself, or make yourself over into your artistic vision of yourself!