My main goal today was to haul my two big doggies into the car and drive 20 minutes to the do-it-yourself dogwash, The Scrubby Puppy. Because my labs live in the house and don't get too dirty this is an occasional ordeal. They really needed their toenails clipped and we pay to have it done there. If you read my earlier post this year about Maggie's health crisis, you'll be happy to know that she is feeling and looking soooo much better. She has gained 20 pounds back and the insulin shots have regulated her glucose levels for the diabetes. The sad side effect is that
she has totally lost her eyesight in the last two months. We now have to be careful not to move the furniture around and keep unexpected items up off the floor so she won't run into them.
Maggie turned 7 years old April 12th and we are so happy to have her feeling better. We are all adjusting to her blindness, but as long as she seems happy and healthy everything's good.
Samson, our 95 pound "polar bear" is as lovable as ever. We have him on the same restricted diet as Maggie now and we hope he will slim down so he doesn't get diabetes as well! I love it when they are all freshly washed and blown dry and they smell like doggie conditioner!
I thought I'd share some pics of my bathing beauties Maggie and Samson.